This interface was made with Shiny for R, using population and PFD-based-migration data from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research and Analysis Section. Eddie Hunsinger, November 2018 (updated March 2023).
Printed ratio sums are multiplied by five for age group size.
'Extrapolated values' (in grey, bottom-right panel) are average linear change between the selected starting period and 2015 to 2020, applied to the 2015 to 2020 period data.
Migration Data and Information (PFD-based-migration methods under Methodology). Population Estimates Data and Information.
Associated presentation on Alaska migration. Related presentation on use of administrative data. Alaska PFD-Based Migration Data listing on the Applied Demography Toolbox page.
GitHub repository with code for the Shiny application. Shiny for R information.